Monday, March 7, 2016

Quotes to Think About

Leadership Quotes: 

 We are all leaders in one form or another. A good leader is not necessarily one who is leading their followers to do good. They are just great at leading. More importantly than being a good leader...what is the leader doing with that influence? Will they/we lead their/our followers to do accomplish great things that help and inspire? Or will they/we lead them to do evil and fuel corrupt ideals.  I love the quotes below and how they talk about good leaders...what they are and the power they have.

Rebel Quote:

Rebels are always seen as bad. Ones who are not normal. Ones that are mentally unstable. One who needs to be fixed or changed. One who is trying to revolt or start a revolution. I believe we should change our perception of rebels and make them one to emulate. We are always trying to hold down, back our internal nature change ourselves. What if we embraced who we are and used our natural strength to go great things. Let us rebel against our sinful desires, the world's attempt to dumb us down, the typical teenage stereotype, lame expectations, our own fears and doubts. Lets us embrace our inner rebel.

Perseverance/Dedication Quotes:

Nothing comes easy. Everything that is worth having takes work. If I did not take work it would not be worth having. While it is hard, anything we desire we can have--anything. This scares me and maybe it scares you as well. Think about that. Anything you want you can have. To accomplish what we desire it takes dedication, commitment, and perseverance. I love the quote from the book & movie UNBROKEN...

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