Thursday, February 4, 2016

Ski the Beav 2016

I love skiing so much! 

I went last year for the first time and learned how to ski with my friend David (the idea was that we would feel better about ourselves if we learned with someone else so we could laugh when the other one crashed=) 

I did not like the first half of the day at all! I was frustrated I could awesome=) The learning process was hard (but totally worth it!) David and I had the best instructor ever!!! He was very nice, patient, funny, and totally cool. Once our lesson was done and throughout the rest of the day whenever we saw him we would scream. 

"You're the Best!"

"We love you!"


He loved it, of course...and rightly so because he was awesome!

By the end of the day, I was addicted to skiing. It was so cool to ride the lifts and enjoy the peaceful silence. Or 'chit-chat' with friends. The exhilaration of going down a narrow stretch or the working on making my turns nice and smooth. 

I went again this year and had even more fun. It was nice to hit the slopes 'running' rather than have to spend the first half of the day learning. I was worried, but as it turns out I was actually better than last year!

This year David and I got another awesome instructor. His name is Bryant, and he is Scottish (which is just like, way cool!) He was also very nice, a great teacher, and super fun. Because of him, my turns improved dramatically. Like David and I do for all our awesome instructors, the rest of the day whenever we saw him we would yell.

"Bryant is the best instructor ever!"

"You're the best Bryant!"

"We love you!"

Half-way through the day, David and I went up on Harry's Dream and up to Marges Triple. The year before we had gone on one of the hard trails and wanted to go on it again. At the top, we couldn't remember which one it was. So we went down the one we thought it was. Turns wasn't. The run was a lot different than we thought. There were quite a few crazy sections. At the last stretch, I found myself on top of the most narrow, steep slope I had ever seen. Immediately I thought to myself.

"There is no way."

"There is no way!"

"I can't make it down alive.

"I have to get down somehow, so here goes nothin'..."

I hit the slope very slow, taking wide turns until I got half way down. I had made it HALF WAY alive!

In case you missed it, I'll say it again. It was a very steep, tall slope.

Right as I thought I just might french fry the rest of the way down...I hear a WHOOOOOSH! My friend David came bombing past me going...I don't know how fast. He had started at the very TOP of this beast of a hill and was flying down in a tornado of powder. I screamed.


I went more quickly now worried if David would be OK. After I did one or two more turns I decided I would just bomb the rest of my way down as well. I flew down that snow covered hill. The wind rushing past me. I was going fast! Almost at the bottom, I got thrown off balance and biffed it really hard. My skis flew off. I got a face-full of snow. I was bruised in my arm, and my shoulder, and my leg. I carefully made the last short stretch and found David at the bottom, lying on the ground. It looked as if he had biffed it way hard too. I didn't have to wonder if he was OK, he couldn't stop talking. He blurted...

"I couldn't turn."

"That was insane!"

"I just knew I was going to die."

"I couldn't focus..."

 "I couldn't focus on my last moments of life...
and how good it is to be alive..."

"and the friends I'll miss..."

He was pretty shaken up and refused to clip back in his skis for a couple minutes. He was literally shaking all over. It was crazy enough to watch him go down, let alone experience what he did.

We came out of it alive and loved the rest of the day. David went shirtless for one run and loved it. We were tempted to go down the terrain park (a freestyle trick park) but after seeing the steep slope and the massive jump at the end, we decided to ski as fast as we could in the opposite direction =)

I took my SportzCam out with me and got some cool videos  (see below) 

Here are some videos of friends and I skiing @ Beaver Mountain


Harry's Dream

Also, check out some crazy extreme skiing videos below as well. #ThePros #Insane #Epic #Awesome

The craziest line I have ever seen. This is pure insanity.

The professionals go 'Behind The Line' to rip and capture some epic runs!

14 Year Old Boy Hits some sweet jumps!

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