Monday, May 30, 2016

That Dino-Jumping-Cactus Game!

Everyone has experienced...that horrible day...when the Internet stops working!

To begin with you were probably already so bored that you were looking up YouTube videos to subdue your symptoms, but then out of no where the God's of Torture inflict upon you...this...well...torture! Ah!

So not only now are you bored out of your mind but the antidote has been cruelly ripped from your hands! As you stare at the screen in despair all you see is that same "Dino-Jumping-Cactus" game you have seen before.

You try to save yourself by reasoning that you are not "That Bored!". You again try to convince yourself that is is not worth it to play a game that has such poor graphics. Again you tell yourself that this game's only objective is to endlessly jump over cactus in the wilderness.

That is when you realize that there is literally nothing else to do. So...what do you do? You start hopping over cactus. It turns out that you can't jump over cactus as well as you thought. How frustrating!

"I will show you!" you shout to no one in particular.

This game has become addicting. Now that you have begun this epic journey in the desert jumping over cactus, and hopping over cactus, and jumping over cactus begin to search for game strategies. You also try out different jumping techniques to help raise your high score.

You discover that the longer you press on the key the higher the Dino jumps. You also discover that there is not only just cactus to jump over but other Dino's as well. You accidentally find out you can duck, as well as jump!

The games becomes more then just a is life or death. You sit at the screen for hours. Your muscles cramp but you will not give in.When all hope seems lost, and you keep hitting that first cactus again and again in frustration, you start over again for one last time.

It takes you a second to realize that your Dino is actually doing well this run. You begin to get excited as you jump over obstacles and the score keeps getting higher and higher. Your jumping continues until it feels as though you have jumped forever! That is when your Dino slams into a stray cactus and the screen flashes "GAME OVER". You hesitate but then your eyes look up to see what your score is. You can't believe what it reads. Your head snaps back in shock. You then look at the screen from different angles. You peer at it from the left, and then you peer at it from the right. After this you get in close, squinting to read the score again. That's when you start to squeal. You have beat your last high score by a landslide! You jump out of your chair and shout for victory!! Oh sweet victory! Yep, that's me:) Here is my Dino jumping adventure...

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