Thursday, March 24, 2016

Taking A Walk

Courtesy of Austin Brady..."I love my neon yellow shoes!"
Have you ever thought of just taking a walk? I watch people take walks ALL the time. Some people that walk I recognize as regulars (the ones that go every morning at 10 and follow the same route) or I recognize the once-in-a-while people who walk where they take a family stroll on a quiet Sunday afternoon. So while I would see people who walked, I would never go on a walk myself. I thought that walking was just a waste of time. 

One thing about me is that I LOVE working out! I enjoy doing cardio, strength-training, or playing sports. Because of this passion I have, I would often question the actual benefit of walking. I would rather be sprinting down the road on a run, working hard at the gym, doing pull ups, or push ups, or even locked in an intense game of ball. These activities seem fast and upbeat compared to the slow and rhythmic pace of walking. These exercises I engaged in seemed to give more benefits than walking. For me, I would argue "We walk every day as we go school, move around the house, or hang out with friends. Why would you plan a time to just do something you already do?" But, all of these arguments were given before I had actually tried walking myself. 

There is the old saying, "Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover". This is the same with walking. For the past month now I have been going on little walk every day. I was inspired by my Dad who had been doing the same. I don't plan a daily time or have a set route, I just will think of it and then will randomly go walking. I have been surprised at how powerful a simple walk can impact you. A short 10-minute walk helps my entire day go better. I find it helps me stay focused, it helps my mind become clear, and helps me feel less stressed. 

There are some days that I find myself behind my computer the whole day or running around town non-stop going to activities. On other days, I find that my desk is covered with daunting To-Do lists, and if I may not have a chance to write down something on my project list I will repeat it in my head (i.e. "Laundry, Eat Lunch, Finish Math, Call Dad...etc.") over and over. I feel like my brain can't handle all of this stress and stuff that is clogging it from functioning properly. It can get pretty crazy.  

If you know me well you know I LOVE the Disney/Pixar Movie "CARS" and "CARS 2". In both movies, one theme I have noticed is that fact that we need to 'slow' down. For me life can become a race track in which we drive as fast as we can in circles, essentially going nowhere. Where if we slow down (like main character 'Lightning McQueen' was forced to) we can actually enjoy the journey (or drive) and actually end up somewhere. We can accomplish exponentially more. 

This does not mean we slow down all the time. Fast speeds can accomplish a lot as well, but only if you are going fast in the right direction. When we take a break and slow down for a bit (like taking a walk), we can gain perspective and see where we are going. By doing this, we can escape a track of going in circles and can take a road to a real destination.

For me walks totally defuse that stress. When I walk I get a form of exercise. I get my muscles, blood, lymphatics, and body moving. I can feel the fresh air and enjoy a slight breeze that 'wakes' me up. I feel the warm sun 'recharging' my batteries. Every human needs Vitamin D. The way we get Vitamin D other than an occasional supplement or in food is by the sun. Vitamin D helps chemically change our mood to be happy. So by walking not only is there a physical benefit but a mental benefit as well.

When I walk I leave behind my music, my cell phone, or any other distractions. It's just me, the sidewalk, and my shoes. I don't try to think or stop thinking about anything imparticular during my walks. I just let anything come to mind. For some, this may be uncomfortable. This is only because we are so used to distraction, multitasking, and constant stimulation, or perhaps we are scared of our own thoughts, fears, and ideas. It's ok, just keep trying to let it be you without your stuff. I have been blessed with conversation on my walks as well. When you are out and about, you can have the opportunity to see friends and neighbors. Take that chance to stop and chat for a sec then move on. Walks are amazing:)

So while originally I thought 'what's up with walking?" I have now come to realize that by just taking a walk I can feel so much better about life. I am more focused and less stressed about all of the projects I have to do. Not to mention that you can have a moment for personal meditation, and contemplation.

So I'll ask again..."Have you every thought of just taking a walk?" If not, now you have! :) So maybe try it out and see what a little simple walk can do for you :)

Enjoy your walk!

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