Monday, July 4, 2016

Independence Day - My Feelings in an Essay

Today is Independence Day. I just can't help but be overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude as I think back to that first Fourth of July. So today as I have thought about our freedoms as well as the sacrifices our forefathers gave I felt like I needed to share an Essay I wrote back in 2013. We were asked what moment in history we would have liked to visit. I chose Valley Forge. I feel like this essay expresses my feelings best for what Independence Day means to me. Anyhow here it is :)

Courageous Freedom
by Austin Brady
     “Naked and starving as they are, we cannot enough admire the incomparable patience and fidelity of the soldiery,” described General George Washington. The event I would have liked to have witnessed is Valley Forge.  I would have liked to have been there to talk with the men and ask them why they kept going in those terrible conditions. I would have liked to see their unfailing devotion first-hand. They weren't there fighting for fame and glamor, rank or prestige. These were mere farmers, merchants, and statesmen who were there to fight for their children's children. They were there to fight for their rights and liberty. That's us, that's you. I would have liked to share the hardships with them to fully realize the extent that they were willing to stand for freedom.  They suffered all this for one principle – liberty. They suffered so that a man can stand on his own two feet and say, “I am free, I can choose what I want to do with my life.” They were fighting against the boot of tyranny that had ground its heel into the backs of mankind. That is why I would have liked to have been there – to see their courage and to help grow mine in the fight for freedom. 
     Their experience is relevant to us today. We can read their story and become inspired to fight for freedom. Their trial was physical and at times spiritual. We may not have the physical trials as they did, but we definitely have the spiritual. We need to reach deep down inside ourselves and ask, “Are we willing to make that sacrifice?” The sacrifice is to fight for liberty no matter what the consequences. I know that as I have read the story of those men at Valley Forge, I have felt a burning inside me that I need to do as they did. I need to fight for freedom – not for me, but for the liberty of future generations. There are countless people that could taste the same fruit we are tasting right now. Like Ronald Reagan declared, “Freedom is never more then one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” 
     Even today tyrants and evil men seek to destroy our freedom. We need to follow after the example of our founders to keep fighting when all seems lost, like the nine black students at Central High School in Little Rock Arkansas that were chosen to integrate. At the time of their lives when they needed to fit in the most and feel loved, they were beaten, tripped, kicked, and almost killed. They didn't go to that school for themselves. They couldn't participate in any extra-curricular activities because of the treatment they received. Years later in an interview, one of the nine students was asked, “what was it like to attend Central?” Melba replied, “I got up every morning, polished my saddle shoes, and went off to war. It was like being a soldier on a battlefield.” They were there for their children's rights like the men at Valley Forge. 
     Both groups had a vision, because without vision one could not withstand the horrific trial they endured for so long. At Valley Forge, they probably thought the war was all over, but they persisted and used that trial to strengthen them and not break them. Those brave souls fought for us and suffered for us. They thought with the end in mind – the freedom of their children. I hope as today's Americans, we can be as those men at Valley Forge and never end the fight for freedom. 

Monday, May 30, 2016

That Dino-Jumping-Cactus Game!

Everyone has experienced...that horrible day...when the Internet stops working!

To begin with you were probably already so bored that you were looking up YouTube videos to subdue your symptoms, but then out of no where the God's of Torture inflict upon you...this...well...torture! Ah!

So not only now are you bored out of your mind but the antidote has been cruelly ripped from your hands! As you stare at the screen in despair all you see is that same "Dino-Jumping-Cactus" game you have seen before.

You try to save yourself by reasoning that you are not "That Bored!". You again try to convince yourself that is is not worth it to play a game that has such poor graphics. Again you tell yourself that this game's only objective is to endlessly jump over cactus in the wilderness.

That is when you realize that there is literally nothing else to do. So...what do you do? You start hopping over cactus. It turns out that you can't jump over cactus as well as you thought. How frustrating!

"I will show you!" you shout to no one in particular.

This game has become addicting. Now that you have begun this epic journey in the desert jumping over cactus, and hopping over cactus, and jumping over cactus begin to search for game strategies. You also try out different jumping techniques to help raise your high score.

You discover that the longer you press on the key the higher the Dino jumps. You also discover that there is not only just cactus to jump over but other Dino's as well. You accidentally find out you can duck, as well as jump!

The games becomes more then just a is life or death. You sit at the screen for hours. Your muscles cramp but you will not give in.When all hope seems lost, and you keep hitting that first cactus again and again in frustration, you start over again for one last time.

It takes you a second to realize that your Dino is actually doing well this run. You begin to get excited as you jump over obstacles and the score keeps getting higher and higher. Your jumping continues until it feels as though you have jumped forever! That is when your Dino slams into a stray cactus and the screen flashes "GAME OVER". You hesitate but then your eyes look up to see what your score is. You can't believe what it reads. Your head snaps back in shock. You then look at the screen from different angles. You peer at it from the left, and then you peer at it from the right. After this you get in close, squinting to read the score again. That's when you start to squeal. You have beat your last high score by a landslide! You jump out of your chair and shout for victory!! Oh sweet victory! Yep, that's me:) Here is my Dino jumping adventure...

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Taking A Walk

Courtesy of Austin Brady..."I love my neon yellow shoes!"
Have you ever thought of just taking a walk? I watch people take walks ALL the time. Some people that walk I recognize as regulars (the ones that go every morning at 10 and follow the same route) or I recognize the once-in-a-while people who walk where they take a family stroll on a quiet Sunday afternoon. So while I would see people who walked, I would never go on a walk myself. I thought that walking was just a waste of time. 

One thing about me is that I LOVE working out! I enjoy doing cardio, strength-training, or playing sports. Because of this passion I have, I would often question the actual benefit of walking. I would rather be sprinting down the road on a run, working hard at the gym, doing pull ups, or push ups, or even locked in an intense game of ball. These activities seem fast and upbeat compared to the slow and rhythmic pace of walking. These exercises I engaged in seemed to give more benefits than walking. For me, I would argue "We walk every day as we go school, move around the house, or hang out with friends. Why would you plan a time to just do something you already do?" But, all of these arguments were given before I had actually tried walking myself. 

There is the old saying, "Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover". This is the same with walking. For the past month now I have been going on little walk every day. I was inspired by my Dad who had been doing the same. I don't plan a daily time or have a set route, I just will think of it and then will randomly go walking. I have been surprised at how powerful a simple walk can impact you. A short 10-minute walk helps my entire day go better. I find it helps me stay focused, it helps my mind become clear, and helps me feel less stressed. 

There are some days that I find myself behind my computer the whole day or running around town non-stop going to activities. On other days, I find that my desk is covered with daunting To-Do lists, and if I may not have a chance to write down something on my project list I will repeat it in my head (i.e. "Laundry, Eat Lunch, Finish Math, Call Dad...etc.") over and over. I feel like my brain can't handle all of this stress and stuff that is clogging it from functioning properly. It can get pretty crazy.  

If you know me well you know I LOVE the Disney/Pixar Movie "CARS" and "CARS 2". In both movies, one theme I have noticed is that fact that we need to 'slow' down. For me life can become a race track in which we drive as fast as we can in circles, essentially going nowhere. Where if we slow down (like main character 'Lightning McQueen' was forced to) we can actually enjoy the journey (or drive) and actually end up somewhere. We can accomplish exponentially more. 

This does not mean we slow down all the time. Fast speeds can accomplish a lot as well, but only if you are going fast in the right direction. When we take a break and slow down for a bit (like taking a walk), we can gain perspective and see where we are going. By doing this, we can escape a track of going in circles and can take a road to a real destination.

For me walks totally defuse that stress. When I walk I get a form of exercise. I get my muscles, blood, lymphatics, and body moving. I can feel the fresh air and enjoy a slight breeze that 'wakes' me up. I feel the warm sun 'recharging' my batteries. Every human needs Vitamin D. The way we get Vitamin D other than an occasional supplement or in food is by the sun. Vitamin D helps chemically change our mood to be happy. So by walking not only is there a physical benefit but a mental benefit as well.

When I walk I leave behind my music, my cell phone, or any other distractions. It's just me, the sidewalk, and my shoes. I don't try to think or stop thinking about anything imparticular during my walks. I just let anything come to mind. For some, this may be uncomfortable. This is only because we are so used to distraction, multitasking, and constant stimulation, or perhaps we are scared of our own thoughts, fears, and ideas. It's ok, just keep trying to let it be you without your stuff. I have been blessed with conversation on my walks as well. When you are out and about, you can have the opportunity to see friends and neighbors. Take that chance to stop and chat for a sec then move on. Walks are amazing:)

So while originally I thought 'what's up with walking?" I have now come to realize that by just taking a walk I can feel so much better about life. I am more focused and less stressed about all of the projects I have to do. Not to mention that you can have a moment for personal meditation, and contemplation.

So I'll ask again..."Have you every thought of just taking a walk?" If not, now you have! :) So maybe try it out and see what a little simple walk can do for you :)

Enjoy your walk!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Pride & Prejudice, Premiering Saturday March 19th

I am very very VERY pleased to present the play, PRIDE & PREJUDICE!

And guess what? The performance is next week!!

Countless hours have been spent this last year (2015-16) working on writing the script, editing/publishing the script, casting, logo design, memorization, costume design, costume creation, costume sewing, music, mics, set, props, actor coaching, lighting, video recording, pictures, hair, make-up, rehearsals, dance choreography, sword dueling choreography, etc.

We have 25+ actors, 11+ Stage Crew, and 3 Hours of pure awesomeness.

Needless to say, truckloads of work, time, energy, late-nights, research, emails,
phone calls, texts, sacrifice, effort, and talent, has gone into this production.

As the play is ramping up its preparations for next week I have reflected on what a rewarding experience it has been to work with all of the families involved as we create this magical experience.

Join us next week on Saturday, where we will reveal a timeless classic, Pride & Prejudice.

P.S. It is going to be absolutely amazing!!! Like literally, you will be blown away!


Last year I wrote and directed the play ROBIN HOOD (Read more about the 'Robin Hood' play here).

As well as writing and directing, this year I am playing Mr. Darcy.

And if you want to see all of the other beautiful costumes, brilliant actors,
and the amazing characters, come next Saturday to see Pride & Prejudice!


"As the director, I would 
like to personally invite you 
to come experience this 
production of  Pride & Prejudice. 
You won't want to miss 
this one-night performance."

-Austin Brady

If you have not read or watched Pride & Prejudice before, I would strongly recommend it!
It is so good! For sure on my top 20 list of favorite books and movies.

The Wellsvilles - Breathtaking, Hard, and Totally Worth It

Hiking the Wellsville was Epic! 

It was, I have to admit a harder hike then I expected. Like huffing and puffing hard :) 

Even before I scaled this steepest mountain range in the world, I was always been in awe by the majesty and beauty of these peaks. Above is a picture I took when I was flying in a private plane in Cache Valley. They snow topped peaks are just flat out gorgeous. This last summer I took a hike to the very top with a group of friends. We climbed to the very peak of the Wellsvilles. Again in awe I took a panorama at the peak (see below)

Click the Pano to view larger

The struggle to reach the top was totally worth it. The view alone! The vista was breathtaking. I had such a feeling of accomplishment as I stood on top of that mountain. You can't trade that for anything.

Here are some other pics of the Wellsville's from the internet!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Quotes to Think About

Leadership Quotes: 

 We are all leaders in one form or another. A good leader is not necessarily one who is leading their followers to do good. They are just great at leading. More importantly than being a good leader...what is the leader doing with that influence? Will they/we lead their/our followers to do accomplish great things that help and inspire? Or will they/we lead them to do evil and fuel corrupt ideals.  I love the quotes below and how they talk about good leaders...what they are and the power they have.

Rebel Quote:

Rebels are always seen as bad. Ones who are not normal. Ones that are mentally unstable. One who needs to be fixed or changed. One who is trying to revolt or start a revolution. I believe we should change our perception of rebels and make them one to emulate. We are always trying to hold down, back our internal nature change ourselves. What if we embraced who we are and used our natural strength to go great things. Let us rebel against our sinful desires, the world's attempt to dumb us down, the typical teenage stereotype, lame expectations, our own fears and doubts. Lets us embrace our inner rebel.

Perseverance/Dedication Quotes:

Nothing comes easy. Everything that is worth having takes work. If I did not take work it would not be worth having. While it is hard, anything we desire we can have--anything. This scares me and maybe it scares you as well. Think about that. Anything you want you can have. To accomplish what we desire it takes dedication, commitment, and perseverance. I love the quote from the book & movie UNBROKEN...

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Ski the Beav 2016

I love skiing so much! 

I went last year for the first time and learned how to ski with my friend David (the idea was that we would feel better about ourselves if we learned with someone else so we could laugh when the other one crashed=) 

I did not like the first half of the day at all! I was frustrated I could awesome=) The learning process was hard (but totally worth it!) David and I had the best instructor ever!!! He was very nice, patient, funny, and totally cool. Once our lesson was done and throughout the rest of the day whenever we saw him we would scream. 

"You're the Best!"

"We love you!"


He loved it, of course...and rightly so because he was awesome!

By the end of the day, I was addicted to skiing. It was so cool to ride the lifts and enjoy the peaceful silence. Or 'chit-chat' with friends. The exhilaration of going down a narrow stretch or the working on making my turns nice and smooth. 

I went again this year and had even more fun. It was nice to hit the slopes 'running' rather than have to spend the first half of the day learning. I was worried, but as it turns out I was actually better than last year!

This year David and I got another awesome instructor. His name is Bryant, and he is Scottish (which is just like, way cool!) He was also very nice, a great teacher, and super fun. Because of him, my turns improved dramatically. Like David and I do for all our awesome instructors, the rest of the day whenever we saw him we would yell.

"Bryant is the best instructor ever!"

"You're the best Bryant!"

"We love you!"

Half-way through the day, David and I went up on Harry's Dream and up to Marges Triple. The year before we had gone on one of the hard trails and wanted to go on it again. At the top, we couldn't remember which one it was. So we went down the one we thought it was. Turns wasn't. The run was a lot different than we thought. There were quite a few crazy sections. At the last stretch, I found myself on top of the most narrow, steep slope I had ever seen. Immediately I thought to myself.

"There is no way."

"There is no way!"

"I can't make it down alive.

"I have to get down somehow, so here goes nothin'..."

I hit the slope very slow, taking wide turns until I got half way down. I had made it HALF WAY alive!

In case you missed it, I'll say it again. It was a very steep, tall slope.

Right as I thought I just might french fry the rest of the way down...I hear a WHOOOOOSH! My friend David came bombing past me going...I don't know how fast. He had started at the very TOP of this beast of a hill and was flying down in a tornado of powder. I screamed.


I went more quickly now worried if David would be OK. After I did one or two more turns I decided I would just bomb the rest of my way down as well. I flew down that snow covered hill. The wind rushing past me. I was going fast! Almost at the bottom, I got thrown off balance and biffed it really hard. My skis flew off. I got a face-full of snow. I was bruised in my arm, and my shoulder, and my leg. I carefully made the last short stretch and found David at the bottom, lying on the ground. It looked as if he had biffed it way hard too. I didn't have to wonder if he was OK, he couldn't stop talking. He blurted...

"I couldn't turn."

"That was insane!"

"I just knew I was going to die."

"I couldn't focus..."

 "I couldn't focus on my last moments of life...
and how good it is to be alive..."

"and the friends I'll miss..."

He was pretty shaken up and refused to clip back in his skis for a couple minutes. He was literally shaking all over. It was crazy enough to watch him go down, let alone experience what he did.

We came out of it alive and loved the rest of the day. David went shirtless for one run and loved it. We were tempted to go down the terrain park (a freestyle trick park) but after seeing the steep slope and the massive jump at the end, we decided to ski as fast as we could in the opposite direction =)

I took my SportzCam out with me and got some cool videos  (see below) 

Here are some videos of friends and I skiing @ Beaver Mountain


Harry's Dream

Also, check out some crazy extreme skiing videos below as well. #ThePros #Insane #Epic #Awesome

The craziest line I have ever seen. This is pure insanity.

The professionals go 'Behind The Line' to rip and capture some epic runs!

14 Year Old Boy Hits some sweet jumps!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

I saw Star Wars two weeks ago. WOW! It is amazing!!! I was blown away by the special affects. The story was gripping and endearing. The acting was just awesome. The VII episode blends in perfectly with all the other Star Wars.

 We can learn so much from the story and characters. All of us can relate to the emotions, struggles, and experiences (to some extent) of  the characters in the movie. Often we find ourselves all alone. Often we find ourselves doing things we don't want to do, acting a way that is not who we really are. We struggle with this internal turmoil but can't seem to find a way out. Often we try to run away but our past is close on our heels. Often we feel the struggle between the dark and the light. We feel both sides of the force in our lives. This movie is about teens finding who they really are. Finn has to decide if he is one who runs away or does he stand and fight tyranny. Kylo Ren desperately seeks to become a part of the dark side trying to complete his conversion. He fears he will never be as 'strong' as Darth Vader because he feels the pull of the light side. He knows that is who he is, but he rejects it.  Rey finds herself on a journey to find her identity in who she is, who her family is, what is her personal mission.

We all have this journey, search, discovery, struggle, and mission. We are all desperately searching to find who we really are. How do we find who we really are?

Friday, January 1, 2016

The NEW YEAR, 2016

It's two thousand sixteen!!! Today is the beginning of a new year. The year of 2016! So much has happened this last year. What a journey all of us have gone through, so much has been experienced.Challenges, growth, discovery, forgiveness, pain, joy, death, life, and change were all a part of our lives in 2015. This week gives us the great opportunity to think back and realize all we have accomplished.

Now is also a great opportunity for change. We all have great potential but do we actively seek what that is? Do we seek to become our potential? Nothing that we experience now will become what we want it to be unless we take action.

I can think of a lot of things I want to have, want to do, and want to be. I can hope, dream, and pray all I want, but nothing will happen unless I DO! Today is a perfect time to make those goals for change.

Those that do make goals for this next year, will most likely fail within the next three weeks, or maybe the next three months. Sounds harsh huh? That's the facts though. To truly succeed we have to fail, a lot. This is good because by failing, we learn.

During the start of this new year as you hope, dream, and pray, I invite you to increase your commitment. If you truly want something, write it out (and I mean write it out ON paper WITH a pen). Write down what you want to have, what you want to do, and what you what to become. After you have done this write smaller goals that lead up to the bigger goal. Make a detailed roadmap of how to get there (this will help so much). When you have monthly, weekly, and daily goals you will be able to see clearly how to get the end result you want. When you fail (which you will and many times) reevaluate and start again with the new knowledge you have acquired through how you failed.

I invite you to join me. Make this year one where you will see a new you at the end. Make this a year to remember forever, the year of 2016!