Monday, March 23, 2015

Red Castle

Last summer I went on a backpacking trip with my friend and his family. We went to the Uintas! The forests and mountains there are gorgeous! The fishing is amazing and there a ton of lakes up there. As we hiked the 11 miles in as we watched moose, birds, squirrels and other wild life. For half the time the trail ran along side a river and we had to cross it a couple times over bridges. The actual castle juts straight out of the ground and is made up of red rock, therefore the name Red Castle!


  1. That is awesome! And that picture is great as well. Do you like photography? I sure do. 😄
    Sounds like a fun place to visit!

  2. That sounds fun! And that picture is awesome, do you like photography? I sure do, 😄
    Sounds like a fun place to visit!
