Friday, July 26, 2013

Summer Splash 2/4

2. Scout Camp

Scout Camp was very interesting. A week with boys, hyperness, and forest for endless miles is actually FUN! We did are own camp this year instead of an organized camp. We fished, shot bows, biked, did merit badges, swam...etc. I did some other things like wading in the lake with no shoes and got a leech stuck to my foot. I wasn't all masculine by picking it up and stuff. I went wacko and jumped and kicked and whacked it clear into Texas (well kind of).  I caught a fish, cut of it's head pulled it's gut out and alot of other things that would make girls scream, but the end result was a golden brown, season soaked, peeling off the bones white fish meat. It was to die for (well actually to live for, I mean why wish to die for something if then you can't enjoy, so I think I would live for it!!!)
A funny story that happened in camp:

I had gotten up and got ready to get dressed. First I put on sport shorts and shirt because I was going to bike ride later in the day and I wanted to be ready so I didn't have to waste time. Then because I was going fishing at 6:00 in the morning (it was already 5:45), I got on a thin jacket, thicker jacket, wool socks, jeans, gloves, and hat. "Wow, I'm so prepared," I thought, congratulating my self. I set up my pole and headed out to fish with my friend. As we crossed the river on a log bridge because of the early morning frost, I slipped and completely COMPLETELY soaked ALL of my clothes. I was Cold, Wet and Cold. I survived though so you can let go of your breath now. (Well I guess you already thought I did since I am typing this).

Summer Splash 1/4

Hello friends,

If you are the kind of person that checks email and blog every day I bet you have been disappointed with me not updating in so long but if you are reading this, read on, because I am going to write a bout my hectic summer which has kept me from blogging so long.

#1. Arches

I went to Arches!!! I have seen the Utah licence plates and always wished I could go there myself. I went in the beginning of summer with some of my new friends. They are Awesome! So if you are one of those friends who went with me, pat yourself on your back. At Arches we got the best camping spot where we could play on fins (a rock structure) day and night. If you thought capture the flag was fun at your house, you should have seen our Capture The Flag. I am so glad I brought my camera!