Monday, January 11, 2016

Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

I saw Star Wars two weeks ago. WOW! It is amazing!!! I was blown away by the special affects. The story was gripping and endearing. The acting was just awesome. The VII episode blends in perfectly with all the other Star Wars.

 We can learn so much from the story and characters. All of us can relate to the emotions, struggles, and experiences (to some extent) of  the characters in the movie. Often we find ourselves all alone. Often we find ourselves doing things we don't want to do, acting a way that is not who we really are. We struggle with this internal turmoil but can't seem to find a way out. Often we try to run away but our past is close on our heels. Often we feel the struggle between the dark and the light. We feel both sides of the force in our lives. This movie is about teens finding who they really are. Finn has to decide if he is one who runs away or does he stand and fight tyranny. Kylo Ren desperately seeks to become a part of the dark side trying to complete his conversion. He fears he will never be as 'strong' as Darth Vader because he feels the pull of the light side. He knows that is who he is, but he rejects it.  Rey finds herself on a journey to find her identity in who she is, who her family is, what is her personal mission.

We all have this journey, search, discovery, struggle, and mission. We are all desperately searching to find who we really are. How do we find who we really are?

Friday, January 1, 2016

The NEW YEAR, 2016

It's two thousand sixteen!!! Today is the beginning of a new year. The year of 2016! So much has happened this last year. What a journey all of us have gone through, so much has been experienced.Challenges, growth, discovery, forgiveness, pain, joy, death, life, and change were all a part of our lives in 2015. This week gives us the great opportunity to think back and realize all we have accomplished.

Now is also a great opportunity for change. We all have great potential but do we actively seek what that is? Do we seek to become our potential? Nothing that we experience now will become what we want it to be unless we take action.

I can think of a lot of things I want to have, want to do, and want to be. I can hope, dream, and pray all I want, but nothing will happen unless I DO! Today is a perfect time to make those goals for change.

Those that do make goals for this next year, will most likely fail within the next three weeks, or maybe the next three months. Sounds harsh huh? That's the facts though. To truly succeed we have to fail, a lot. This is good because by failing, we learn.

During the start of this new year as you hope, dream, and pray, I invite you to increase your commitment. If you truly want something, write it out (and I mean write it out ON paper WITH a pen). Write down what you want to have, what you want to do, and what you what to become. After you have done this write smaller goals that lead up to the bigger goal. Make a detailed roadmap of how to get there (this will help so much). When you have monthly, weekly, and daily goals you will be able to see clearly how to get the end result you want. When you fail (which you will and many times) reevaluate and start again with the new knowledge you have acquired through how you failed.

I invite you to join me. Make this year one where you will see a new you at the end. Make this a year to remember forever, the year of 2016!